I Am Slowly Learning To Love My Crooked Teeth
Originally Published on SheRoseRevolution. For as long as I can remember, I have not had a smile quite like anyone else’s. I do not...

For The Girls Who Didn't Grow Up Feeling Pretty
Originally published on Thought Catalog. I know it hurts you to think back to those days that you always wished would just be over. I...

Don't Let Others Influence Your Sense of Beauty
Photography: Becky Curl Originally Published on Thought Catalog. I can’t recall the first time I was ever told I was beautiful, but I...

Five 80's Beauty Trends To Try in 2017
80s beauty trends for 2017 The 90s had their fair share of influence in last year's beauty and fashion looks, but in 2017 the trends go...

10 Vegan Beauty Products in Marsala, 2015 Color of the Year
Photo courtesy of Zosimos Botanicals. Looking for vegan and cruelty-free ways to rock #marsala, the 2015 #pantonecolorofthe year? Check...

Made by Coworking: FIXY
All make-up enthusiasts know the catastrophic feeling of breaking a brand-new pressed powder cosmetic shortly after buying it. What if...

Vegan Makeup: Vintage Pin Up Hair and Beauty Tutorial
If I could go back in time to the 1940’s and 50’s, I would most certainly become a pin up girl. These vintage beauties have been style...

How to Rock Bold Lipstick Fearlessly! (The Vegan and Cruelty-Free Way!)
With all of the bold, beautiful lipstick shades now available, it's impossible not to want to try them all! Though some shades may seem a...

Vegan Makeup: Date Night Makeup Tutorial!
It doesn't have to be Valentine's Day to get dolled up for a night out (or a night in!) Check out my vegan and cruelty-free Valentine's...