When You're Ready, Will I Still Be Here?
There is only so much one person can take before they close the door and walk away from someone forever.
This Is The Kind Of Recovery You Deserve
Originally published on Thought Catalog. Eight years ago, you never would have imagined the pain you would be living inside of right now....
This Is Me Taking My Mornings Back
Originally published on She Rose Revolution. I remember when six a.m. used to be about drinking coffee and beginning my day. Now, six...
Read This If You Blame Yourself For Being Abused
*Originally published on She Rose Revolution. If you blame yourself for being abused, this was written for you. Because I know right now...
What It Feels Like To Fall In Love When You've Been In An Abusive Relationship
*Originally published on Thought Catalog. You have been conditioned to believe that falling in love brings consequences. You have had it...
Because of My Loneliness
*Originally published on Thought Catalog. Because of my loneliness, I met you. I couldn’t bear the deafening sound of my own heart...
Losing Sight of Hope: This Is Why I Can't Get Out
(Originaly published on Thought Catalog on April 10, 2015). This is my first piece that has been published on Thought Catalog, and I do...